Our Statement on the Executive Order on Immigration

In light of the US executive order that was signed over the weekend, we want to let you know that Startup Institute will continue to champion and support diversity in the innovation economy. Many of our students, alumni, and instructors have been directly and indirectly affected—with some of our most extraordinary alumni coming from around the world. We want to make something clear: we stand by our diverse community and we’ll continue to uphold our core values during these challenging times.

[bctt tweet="Our Statement on the Executive Order on Immigration" username="StartupInst"]

This order is not only counter to what we believe makes the United States of America great, but it is also counter to what we believe makes Startup Institute great. As a community of professionals, innovators, influencers, and friends, we will continue to demonstrate curiosity, understanding, and appreciation for each other’s differences.  

Beyond the reason of human decency, it has been proven that diverse teams create more innovative solutions. It isn’t just right—it’s good for business. Innovation, startups, and technology depend on a global economy; this executive order isn’t good for our industry and it isn’t good for the growth of our economy.

Startup Institute will remain dedicated to enriching our networks, paying it forward, supporting each other, expanding the diversity and growth of our ecosystems, and building relationships that are like family.


The Startup Institute Team

[bctt tweet="Beyond the reason of human decency, it's proven that diverse teams create more innovative solutions" username="StartupInst"]