8 Tech Buzzwords You Need to Know Before Your Interview

If you want to break into the tech industry, you need to speak the language. Even if you are a non-traditional candidate you will still be expected to know key industry terms and trends. Below are some of the most common tech buzzwords you need to know before sitting down with HR.

  1. "Full Stack"
    This is a skill set tech employers frequently highlight in job postings. A full stack programmer is someone with an understanding of the complete software and programming language beneath an application. In short, full stack skills are broad rather than focused on one particular area of software development. A full stack programmer can understand the entire project rather than the portion he is responsible for completing. While the term “full stack” traditionally refers to a developer, more and more startups are using the phrase broadly to refer to marketers, for example, who are cross-trained in UX/UI.

  2. "Impressions"
    In terms of digital marketing, impressions are the point at which an ad is displayed on a web page and theoretically viewed by a visitor. This metric is used to assess the reach and popularity of online content. Content is typically priced in "Cost Per Thousand Impressions" or "CPM", which reflects the amount advertisers pay when their ad is displayed 1,000 times. Digital marketing boot camps can provide further training on key advertising metrics.

  3. "MVP"
    MVP is short for "Minimum Viable Product," a new product that is introduced with the basic features needed to satisfy early consumers and collect feedback for further development. An MVP allows a firm to determine the viability of an idea with the least amount of allocated capital. If the feedback is promising, that information can be used to improve the product and prepare it for mass distribution.

  4. "Angel Investor"
    An angel investor is a wealthy individual who invests in early stage businesses. The Angel Investor typically invests in a team or an idea rather than the actual business, given that there are normally no financial statements available for analysis. These individuals provide much needed capital to startups that might not otherwise secure financing and can be handsomely rewarded if the business succeeds.

  5. "Blockchain"
    A blockchain is a globally distributed database that maintains a growing list of records, each of which is a new "block" in the chain. Blocks cannot be retroactively altered, and the creation of new blocks is broadcast to the entire network. The security of Blockchain technology makes it ideal for recording transactions or storing critical records. Blockchain technology is the basis for digital currencies such as Bitcoin.

  6. "Internet of Things"
    This term can be a little more vague. "IoT" refers to networked electronic devices that can communicate and function without frequent human input. The most common example is networked home electronics such as thermostats and security systems. Generally speaking, any "smart" device is considered part of the Internet of Things and is able to communicate with other devices via the internet.

  7. "Big Data"
    Generally speaking, "Big Data" refers to the process of storing and analyzing massive quantities of data to derive actionable insights. This is one of the hottest areas in tech, as companies need tools to identify relationships hidden in their ever-growing pools of data. Relationships in the data may help companies better understand consumer behavior, identify fraud, or guide investment decisions.

  8. “Growth Hacker”
    All startups want a growth hacker, someone who can exponentially grow their customer base by relying on data-driven strategies. A growth hacker finds innovative ways to scale a product and successfully does without a huge budget. If you’re marketing yourself as a growth hacker, make sure you can back up your claims with hard evidence of your work as it’s an actual job title for many companies.

Now you're armed with a few buzzwords to impress those recruiters. Don’t go overboard though. Try to keep your language authentic and avoid stuffing too many of these terms in your conversation. Remember, this is just the beginning. You need to keep up with what's actually going on with new technology and trends so you can really show you're committed to your career change. The more you know, the better prepared you'll be when the recruiter invites you to the next round.